Is PNF Stretching the Most Effective Way to Increase Mobility?
Stretching is an integral part of any workout routine. Greater flexibility enables us to become more resistant to injury while gaining strength, but most people only know about two types of stretches: Static: Traditional st
Is PNF Stretching the Most Effective Way to Increase Mobility?
Stretching is an integral part of any workout routine. Greater flexibility enables us to become more resistant to injury while gaining strength, but most people only know about two types of stretches: Static: Traditional st
Does Just Going to Work Burn More Calories Than Hitting the Gym?
If you think slogging half-heartedly to the gym or casually going through the motions of a home routine are enough to torch meaningful calories, you may want to sit down. Actually, stand up. And walk around. Because honestly,
Avoid These 11 Common Indoor Cycling Mistakes
Indoor cycling isn’t as complicated a workout as, say, weightlifting or calisthenics — you’re seated, and there’s essentially one basic motion. So how much can go wrong? Plenty. There’s significant room to make mist
How to Treat and Prevent Painful Foot Blisters
No pain, no gain? Not when it comes to blisters. These small pockets of clear fluid under the skin may seem harmless, but they’re anything but — they can even be downright debilitating if they’re on a part of the body y
How Much Muscle Can You Gain in a Month?
Want to know how to identify a fitness pro who’s knowledgeable and trustworthy? Ask them how much muscle you can gain in a month. If they give you any answer other than “it depends,” work with someone else. In a wor
What Is Sweat Made of?
If you’re dripping in sweat after a workout, you know it’s time to rehydrate. But before you reach for your water bottle, it’s important to understand exactly what sweat is made of, because we lose more than just water
3 Reasons Why You Should Try Training Barefoot
A supportive pair of shoes is the first item on most lists of essential workout gear, so how did barefoot training become popular? Look down and around, and you’re bound to see people doing all manner of fitness — from de
Is Working Out Twice a Day Helping or Hurting Your Goals?
If you’re chasing specific fitness results, you may wonder whether working out twice a day will help you achieve them twice as fast. Once a relic of high school sports training, two-a-day workouts are now all over social me
“Ass to Grass” or 90 Degrees? Here's How Low You Should Be Squatting
Whether you’re loading a barbell on your back, racking a kettlebell over your shoulder, or just warming up with bodyweight squats, one question remains a constant: What is the proper squat depth? How low you go is as impo